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2017年05月27日 16:18  点击:[]


  1. Zhang, J. S. et al. Isotopic Ratios of 18O/17O in the Galactic Central Region, 2015, ApJS, 219, 28    SCI

  2. Yuan, Y. H.; Fan, J. H.; Pan, H. J., Optical Photometry of the BL Lac Object 1ES 1959+650, 2015, AJ, 150, 67           (SCI)

  3. Hao, J. M., Yuan, Y. F. et al. Cosmic reionization of hydrogen and helium: contribution from both mini-quasars and stars, 2015, MNRAS, 451, 1875   (SCI)

  4. Yuan, Y. H., Fan, J. H.; Pan, H. J.; Peng, Z. Y.; Liu, Y.; Xiao, H. B., Optical monitoring and spectral analysis of the Seyfert galaxy NGC1275, 2015, Ap&SS, 360, 9    (SCI)

  5. Yuan, Y. H, Fan, J.H., The relationship between the spectrum and flux density of 3C273 and 3C446, 2015, Ap&SS, 357, 123           (SCI)

  6. Fan, J. H., Yang, J. H. et al. Spectral energy distributions and some correlations for Fermi blazars, 2015, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, 30, 45020       (SCI)

  7. Xiao, H. B., Pei, Z. Y. et al. Correlation between gamma-ray flux density and redshift for Fermi blazars, 2015, Ap&SS, 359, 39   (SCI)

  8. Chen, S. N., Zhang, J. Y. Concrete quantum tunneling spectrum of Schwarzschild black holes, 2015, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 24, 020401    (SCI)

  9. 杨锦波,张靖仪,狭义相对论中的Galilean变换,2015,湖南文理学院学报, 279

  10. 林潮,张凡华,樊军辉,蝎虎天体的射电辐射与寄主星系亮度的关系,2015,湖南文理学院学报,2721

  11. 张江水,李海坤,王金,刘智伟,中红外选活动星系核中水脉泽辐射的搜寻,2015,广州大学学报,1431

  12. 王洪光,脉冲星“动物园”,2015,知识就是力量,10



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