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2017年05月27日 16:17  点击:[]


[1]     Fan, J. H., Yang, J. H., Yuan, Y. H. et al., The Spectral Index Properties of Fermi Blazars, 2012, ApJ, 761SCI

[2]     樊军辉,TeVBlazarPKS2155-304中心双黑洞系统,2012,广州大学学报

[3]     樊军辉,徐伟,皮飞鹏等,广州大学物理实验教学模式改革的研究与实践,2012,湖南文理学院学报

[4]     Liu, B. S., Zhang, J. Y., Discussion on Event Horizon and Quantum Ergosphere of Dynamic de Sitter Black Holes, 2012, Modern Physics Letters A, 27 SCI

[5]     Liu, B. S., Zhang, J. Y., Discussion on the event horizon and quantum ergosphere of dynamic rotating black holes in a tunneling framework, 2012, Chinese Physics B, 21 SCI

[6]     Zhang, J. Y., Radiation via Tunneling and Phase Transition from Non-extreme Black Hole to Extreme Black Hole, 2012, 广州大学学报,  11

[7]     Zhang, J. S., Henkel, C., Guo, Q., Wang, J., Radio properties of H2O maser host galaxies, 2012, A&A, 538, 512 SCI

[8]     Zhang, J. S., Li, D., Wang, J. Z., Expectations of maser studies with FAST, 2012, IAU proceedings, 287, 350 SCI

[9]     Jan, L. W., Wu, X. F., Lv, H. J. et al., Physical origin of multi-wavelength emission of GRB 100418A, 2012, RAA, 12, 4 SCI


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